It is essential to remember that although the majority of the activities that will take place during the Games will only run for a short period, there are components of the Games that will go on after the two weeks that the competitions in the various sports will have concluded.
Tourism may be the aspect that is most responsible for the gains that UK businesses have witnessed.
This indicates not only that a more significant number of people are staying in the city itself but also that many of these individuals are staying in hotels in London, dining in restaurants in London, and spending money on souvenirs in London. The city’s commercial sector is doing exceptionally well.
Expenditures Made in the Country
However, the rise in activity can be attributed to more than just an increase in the number of visitors that have just arrived.
We Brits are increasing our spending during the Games, not just to celebrate with our friends but also to take advantage of the chance to adorn our houses and acquire a piece of Olympic history that we may keep for many years.
Whether we’re spending money on a party with an Olympic theme, a variety of souvenirs, or a vacation to the nation’s capital, the knock-on impact is being felt by companies all around the country.
Contracts with the Industry
Personal spending is unquestionably having a beneficial impact on the private sector. Still, the enormous investment in an industry that has occurred over the years leading up to the Games is having an outsized influence on the performance of UK businesses. This has been the case because of the Games.
Despite the challenging state of the economy, there has been an abundance of employment available in the London region thanks to the contractors working on building an entire Olympic town.
This village will have a large number of homes in addition to other athletic facilities. The funding put into the Olympic Games ensured that a certain level of employment would be available across various sectors. Many businesses reaped significant rewards directly from the government’s dedication to providing that the Games were successful.
A Victory That Will Last
The legacy of the Games appears to be destined to produce bigger fruits than even the current benefits that companies in the UK are experiencing as a result of the games, even after considering those benefits. According to Sara Parker of the CBI, an increase in tourism of four billion dollars is anticipated between the close of the Games and 2015.
Businesses in the UK may anticipate that the current surge in activity will last for some time since an increasing number of individuals from other countries are moving to the country.
As a result of the renovation and revitalization of large portions of London, the necessary infrastructure has been put in place to ensure that a certain number of employees will continue to exist in the Olympic Park.
In addition, it is anticipated that most of the sports facilities, not forgetting NetBet, explicitly built for the Games, would undergo additional modifications as they are adapted for continued usage.